

The 3rd World Cup performed in South Africa in 1995.
The spring box of the host country won the victory.
As what symbolizes the interethnic collaborations after policy-of-racial-segregation abolition, the commendation ceremony gave people of the world impression beyond a mere sporting event.
However, if a Rugby fan is asked about the leading role of this convention, it will be a name of the monster "Johnna Romu" of All Blacks which lost the final which almost all persons mention.
It is the semifinal game which made the world know especially his name.
The both wings which England is proud of in the first 2 minutes were ground in pieces.
Johnna Romu.
That name will become known widely all over the world through this convention.
Although many star athletes were in the Rugby community till then, probably he of the ordinary persons who are not interested in Rugby having also become true "superstar" who knows a name was the beginning.
Johnna who pulled Tongans' blood and was born in New Zealand is 20 years old of youth at this time.
It is elected as All Blacks by the youngest in history, and the left wing of the strongest army corps is left on the career of only 2 game in a big stage called the World Cup.
He until this convention starts says that evaluation in the world was a "youngman who is powerful although there is no track record" grade.
Although large activity was already shown in the seven-person system convention, a 15-person system is a different thing again.
Only some persons concerned only still got to know his fearful potential as feelings.
His figure which runs 100 m on the level of 10 seconds by a with the height of 196 cm and a weight of 115 kg huge form was recognized as "wonder" and a "threat" through activity in this convention.
However, it can be said that the team which is not actually fought was not yet able to realize "whether it is how much monster."
it comes out in this England game for him to display that true destructive power and to make a name into what swing and is not.
 If his physical strength is called strongest in history why, it is on the point which has what and the speed with it which runs through 100 m in 10 or 5 seconds, coming out of the blessed body called the height of 196 cm, and the weight of 120 kg, and having overwhelming power.
Since it is called the grade in the second half for 11 seconds even if quick, if it is a player of weight the stand of 120 kg also in NFL (American football) for which the physical strength elite gathers, the speed of the Johnna Romu is extraordinary.
the name which came from such overwhelming physical strength has impact considerably a "reckless-run engine", fly elephant, etc., and the active-service age becomes a representative of New Zealand by 19 years old of youngest in history, and shines with a try king in many conventions, although it large-played an active part, The number of times of participation becomes fewer by an injury and nephrosis syndrome (affection of the liver), and it will return active service to private life in 2007 regardless of a liver function carrying out aggravation and transplant surgery in 2003.
Activity of Rugby is carried out, becoming a goodwill ambassador of Rugby now.
It was inaugurated also as the Rugby World Cup Rugby ambassador (goodwill ambassador) held by 2019 in Japan.

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