
recomend blog

I think that I will write about a friend's blog today.
The friend is doing kyudo and is writing the blog about it.
The difference between kyudo and archery should explain something first.
I think that the greatest difference is a tool too.
An arrow is shot with archery from left-hand side to a bow, and kyudo is struck from right-hand side.
Although kyudo is not influenced so much for the right and wrong of a tool, it is so good that the tool of archery should be just good.
Although it rubs such a place and not being made, is it one of the differences which are not known?
And although the history of kyudo is told, what cannot be removed by any means is an expert of a bow called this Nasu-no-Yoichi.
The general of the last stage the end [ the Heian period ].
Genealogy tops are those it is reported that are the Nasu Mr. 2nd generation family heads.
This person exists to the anecdote of the bow having been very nice, and having made the Nasu 資隆 which is a father wondering, or that talent having been found out by Yositune Minamotono, and having carried out to the promise of service in the war.
The talk changes and there are two schools in kyudo of Japan.
One is the way the touch pulled up from the front upwards when calling it the Ogasawara school and drawing a bow extracts and strikes an arrow.
Another has the Heki school which causes a bow from across.
It sees, while it is careful also at such a place, and I think that kyudo should just spread more.


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