

today is talk about Rugby rules.
The way which Rugby played a game by 15 persons, and took more mark is a victory.
The figure which 15 persons from whom a position is different, respectively fight taking advantage of individuality has very high game nature.
Let's explain one at a time.

Although the rule of Rugby is really difficult, if you understand even foundations, watching a game can be enjoyed first.
First, the basic concept of Rugby.
I hear that "Rugby is the encampment game ".
The player of 2 teams scrambles for one ball, and it invades an enemy's territory with a ball.
The point which invades in this way and it aims at is a space called the in-goal of an enemy's territory.
A score is accepted by making a ball touch this space.
This score is called try.
in order that the players of both teams may get this try the body of each other is thrown at each other, and it scrambles for a ball, and repeats offense and defense.
Then, it is how to treat a ball next.
Having a ball and running, the thing thrown by a hand , and the thing kicked on foot are accepted.
Moreover, wherever a ball may touch [ of the whole body ], there is no problem.
However, how to throw this ball has the big feature.
I hear "don't release it before a b
When throwing a ball, it separates only to the player which is back from itself.
Moreover, there are some which are obtained by kick besides a try in a score.
This is accepted by keeping kicking a ball between absentminded from the crossbar between goalposts.
This kick is called "goal kick."
In Rugby, if one play is won, one point will be obtained.
How to count this point is as follows.
Rugby is performed by the half system of half order.
Half order is 40 minutes, respectively and the halftime for less than 10 minutes is prepared between them.
(A high school student a 30-minute half / halftime less than 5 minutes)
The time when the play had stopped at an injury, failure, etc. of a player is added to each half as lost time.
The lost time for about 1?3 minutes is usually added.
Moreover, there is no extra-inning game in Rugby fundamentally, and, in the same score, it becomes a draw, but victory or defeat may be decided with a lottery, the number of tries, etc.



It talks about the history of Japanese Rugby.
The time of Professor Clark and the Tanaka ginnnosuke of the Yokohama birth introducing to Keio University that Rugby went into Japan officially in 1899 is beginning.
Rugby was performed privately till then, and before Japan opened a country to foreign intercourse from national isolation and 30 year had passed, it spread all over the country.
The time Rugby was called the  rasikishuukyuu, and was loved.
And the time stands and Rugby of Japan began to develop from the 1920s.
At the university, Meiji, Waseda, and Keio became an existence which pulls Rugby of Japan, and were holding the confrontation game etc. promptly.
Then, Rugby spread from the university and outstanding player schools, such as a comrade company and housei, gained power.
In 1971, England went on an expedition to Japan .
Although Shigeru Konno admitted that it was a problem that height is missing to the Japanese player, by that cause, he tends to pick up ball, is easily collected within scrum, and can move about general more quickly.
This is our strength and we have to play such. It is described as.
Japan where September 29, 1971 and Waseda University Professor Onishi ginnnosuke who are the years of a Rugby football union centennial served as the supervisor was beaten by only 3 to 6 in England.
The first Great Britain expedition by Japan was in 1973 .
In spite of a thick player layer of Japan, there was a big problem of the lack of a stadium which comes from the straitness of land of Japan.
Therefore, the stadium might be used till late at night from 6:00 a.m.
Moreover, there is also good point that there is neither violence nor violence in Rugby of Japan.
although the anecdote that changed into the state where the game held within the SelfDefense Forces is unmanageable in 1975, and as for both teams the dismissal and the captain received disposal and the player became an all the members indefinite suspension remains probably the big problem has not occurred after it.
Although the team of Japan is known for being rich in speed and wit, it may become a disadvantageous position by the smallness of the body in comparison with the player of the Southern Hemisphere or Europe.



Rugby history

Hello, you
Do you know what a sport called Rugby did?
The origin of Rugby goes back to Britain of the 1800s.
It is said that it is the beginning of Rugby that the boy called William wig Ellis began to run with the ball at a high school in Britain called a Rugby school during the game of English school football.
although soccer and Rugby not being segmented just, and it being treated as the same football during 1500 after 1400, and using a hand was accepted, having begun to run with the ball illuminates at first, and this is in it -- it is .
The football of the Rugby rule permeated gradually after this, and the foundation of modern Rugby was done.
However, after the 19th century, the rule was unified and, as for the football performed with various rules, the football of the soccer rule was done.
The club of this Tokikazu part has not agreed on this, but founded Rugby Football Union to London in 1871.
In this way, Rugby permeates mainly by Britain and became a sport representing the Europe district or the Southern Hemisphere.
It developed in Lancaster in northern England, the Yorkshire district, and southern Wales also in it.
However, as for Rugby, since the pro contract to the company did not exist, division of Rugby Football Union took place at the northern part in 1895.
There is two Rugby in the world even now taking advantage of it.
The Rugby union of an amateur principle which one uses a southern part as the mother's body, and is not concerned in consideration, but enjoys Rugby as a hobby, and another have a Rugby League centering on the northern part which asks for remuneration at playing Rugby.
When divided, there was no difference in a rule, but a union now A 15-person system, The league serves as a 13-person system, if the direction of a league has eliminated high density of a forward player and it is intelligibly seen from the man in the street rather than a union, it may be showy and may be impressive, but to the fun of a union,
Although in the past had a strong confrontation, the union is strengthening by accepting professionalization and both tying up for Rugby game development now.
Thus, since game population is also small, I want the person who read this report and got interested to look at Rugby by all means by being unpopular in Japan, although Rugby is derivation of soccer.
Probably, the frenzy which has not certainly been experienced is waiting for you.

cannot be considered at all.