

It talks about the history of Japanese Rugby.
The time of Professor Clark and the Tanaka ginnnosuke of the Yokohama birth introducing to Keio University that Rugby went into Japan officially in 1899 is beginning.
Rugby was performed privately till then, and before Japan opened a country to foreign intercourse from national isolation and 30 year had passed, it spread all over the country.
The time Rugby was called the  rasikishuukyuu, and was loved.
And the time stands and Rugby of Japan began to develop from the 1920s.
At the university, Meiji, Waseda, and Keio became an existence which pulls Rugby of Japan, and were holding the confrontation game etc. promptly.
Then, Rugby spread from the university and outstanding player schools, such as a comrade company and housei, gained power.
In 1971, England went on an expedition to Japan .
Although Shigeru Konno admitted that it was a problem that height is missing to the Japanese player, by that cause, he tends to pick up ball, is easily collected within scrum, and can move about general more quickly.
This is our strength and we have to play such. It is described as.
Japan where September 29, 1971 and Waseda University Professor Onishi ginnnosuke who are the years of a Rugby football union centennial served as the supervisor was beaten by only 3 to 6 in England.
The first Great Britain expedition by Japan was in 1973 .
In spite of a thick player layer of Japan, there was a big problem of the lack of a stadium which comes from the straitness of land of Japan.
Therefore, the stadium might be used till late at night from 6:00 a.m.
Moreover, there is also good point that there is neither violence nor violence in Rugby of Japan.
although the anecdote that changed into the state where the game held within the SelfDefense Forces is unmanageable in 1975, and as for both teams the dismissal and the captain received disposal and the player became an all the members indefinite suspension remains probably the big problem has not occurred after it.
Although the team of Japan is known for being rich in speed and wit, it may become a disadvantageous position by the smallness of the body in comparison with the player of the Southern Hemisphere or Europe.

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