

today is talk about Rugby rules.
The way which Rugby played a game by 15 persons, and took more mark is a victory.
The figure which 15 persons from whom a position is different, respectively fight taking advantage of individuality has very high game nature.
Let's explain one at a time.

Although the rule of Rugby is really difficult, if you understand even foundations, watching a game can be enjoyed first.
First, the basic concept of Rugby.
I hear that "Rugby is the encampment game ".
The player of 2 teams scrambles for one ball, and it invades an enemy's territory with a ball.
The point which invades in this way and it aims at is a space called the in-goal of an enemy's territory.
A score is accepted by making a ball touch this space.
This score is called try.
in order that the players of both teams may get this try the body of each other is thrown at each other, and it scrambles for a ball, and repeats offense and defense.
Then, it is how to treat a ball next.
Having a ball and running, the thing thrown by a hand , and the thing kicked on foot are accepted.
Moreover, wherever a ball may touch [ of the whole body ], there is no problem.
However, how to throw this ball has the big feature.
I hear "don't release it before a b
When throwing a ball, it separates only to the player which is back from itself.
Moreover, there are some which are obtained by kick besides a try in a score.
This is accepted by keeping kicking a ball between absentminded from the crossbar between goalposts.
This kick is called "goal kick."
In Rugby, if one play is won, one point will be obtained.
How to count this point is as follows.
Rugby is performed by the half system of half order.
Half order is 40 minutes, respectively and the halftime for less than 10 minutes is prepared between them.
(A high school student a 30-minute half / halftime less than 5 minutes)
The time when the play had stopped at an injury, failure, etc. of a player is added to each half as lost time.
The lost time for about 1?3 minutes is usually added.
Moreover, there is no extra-inning game in Rugby fundamentally, and, in the same score, it becomes a draw, but victory or defeat may be decided with a lottery, the number of tries, etc.

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