

Among Rugby fans, it is called "Japan" for many years [1]. The family name of the supervisor at the time is put and it may be called "Japan (Onishi)", Japan", "JK Japan", etc. The design of first jersey is a white horizontal line to red. overseas [ the emblem of the cherry tree of a breast to ] -- cherry brosams and blur eve brossams -- or it is only called Moreover, the uniform is called the jersey of a cherry tree at home. When Japan was formed for the first time, the cherry tree of the emblem was still a bud.It is the Canada expedition in 1930 that the representative of Japan was formed for the first time. Ban Kayama behind inaugurated as Chairman Japan Rugby Football Union Mishiro was inaugurated as the representative [ for the founder ] supervisor of Japan, he played a match against the British Columbia state representative (henceforth, BC representation) etc., and left six-victory the good results for 1 minute. The first test match was a test match with the representative of Canada in 1932. the representative of Canada goes on an expedition to Japan -- Japan and Canada -- this was a first test match mutually. Tsunehiko Kasahara's and others (Meiji University) activity called the highest player of prewar days -- a war record -- 2 games of Japan -- they were two victories. Although Kayama served as the supervisor till 1930 - 1934, in the test match, the good results of three wins and one loss were obtained. On the other hand, till 1932 - 1962, there is no overseas expedition game and it played a game only at home. Although there were the Far East British Commonwealth of Nations army team, etc. a nugae land unit in South Korea, and a waging-war history besides the New Zealand student representation club (NZU), the Australia student representation, Oxford University, and Cambridge University in the meantime, it was hardly able to win. In 1963, Taijiro Kasai is inaugurated as a supervisor and he will perform the Canada expedition which becomes the first time in 33 years. Controlled BC representation game on April [ of the same year ] 13 by 33?6, and the overseas expedition test match first victory was mentioned, and also good results called the total results of four wins and one loss were obtained. Incidentally in the expedition member, the Kusatsu  which will follow a way as a pro wrestler as great Kusatsu behind was also.


recomend blog

I think that I will write about a friend's blog today.
The friend is doing kyudo and is writing the blog about it.
The difference between kyudo and archery should explain something first.
I think that the greatest difference is a tool too.
An arrow is shot with archery from left-hand side to a bow, and kyudo is struck from right-hand side.
Although kyudo is not influenced so much for the right and wrong of a tool, it is so good that the tool of archery should be just good.
Although it rubs such a place and not being made, is it one of the differences which are not known?
And although the history of kyudo is told, what cannot be removed by any means is an expert of a bow called this Nasu-no-Yoichi.
The general of the last stage the end [ the Heian period ].
Genealogy tops are those it is reported that are the Nasu Mr. 2nd generation family heads.
This person exists to the anecdote of the bow having been very nice, and having made the Nasu 資隆 which is a father wondering, or that talent having been found out by Yositune Minamotono, and having carried out to the promise of service in the war.
The talk changes and there are two schools in kyudo of Japan.
One is the way the touch pulled up from the front upwards when calling it the Ogasawara school and drawing a bow extracts and strikes an arrow.
Another has the Heki school which causes a bow from across.
It sees, while it is careful also at such a place, and I think that kyudo should just spread more.




Even if it hardly knows "Rugby", "All Blacks" has heard it.
If there are also many such people.
The champion and All Blacks of the pronoun of world Rugby and jet black are names of the national team of New Zealand.
the name  a certain kind from the rugger man and Rugby fan in the world -- "specially" -- the charisma of the world Rugby told with yearning or reverence as a thing.
It is the only team which has led all countries by wins by total record against an opponent, and is the world most numerous also at the total number of victories of an international match.
The victory is won in the Southern Hemisphere king determination game and trinations which fights for Australia, South Africa, and three countries 9 times of the 13 years.
Three things for which the "grand slam" which wins all the games England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales on a partner's same tour is attained.
Four things chosen as the highest team with the IRB award from 2001 (most numerous).
15 IRB Rugby induction-into-the-Hall-of-Fame players (most numerous).
The history colored the glory which passes 100 years serves as pride of the New Zealand people who play Rugby a national game.
however, the shining military career  things  it will be somber if the stage is restricted to the World Cup.
Even though the 1st convention decorated the championship locally, after that, saving a step in a final tournament continued and it has kept away from the crown.
Since weakness in such a big stage is carried out and it is called "the king of glass", etc., in the New Zealand convention in 2011, the 2nd championship must be achieved even as what and a king barrel figure must be shown.
Famous also for dancing Maori's (indigenous people of New Zealand) war cry called before a game "Haka  (Jaca)."
Haka points out Maori's war cry at large, and there are many kinds.
usually, the thing to which what All Blacks dances is called "Ka Mate".
"Kapa o Pango  came to dance around from 2005.
In the modern Rugby which professionalization follows, the situation of worrying about the talented-people outflow to Europe continues now.
Class champions' [ many of ] of New Zealand being pressed for "the loyalty to a homeland, attachment to All Blacks after which it continued yearning from young time", and selection in the interval of "a pocketbook success said 10 times" is increasing.
Since the pie of sports business is restricted in the scarce present condition of domestic industries, a grope, such as performing "performance" expedition which harnessed the preeminent notability and popularity, continues.
The market expansion also including overseas serves as pressing need.



The 3rd World Cup performed in South Africa in 1995.
The spring box of the host country won the victory.
As what symbolizes the interethnic collaborations after policy-of-racial-segregation abolition, the commendation ceremony gave people of the world impression beyond a mere sporting event.
However, if a Rugby fan is asked about the leading role of this convention, it will be a name of the monster "Johnna Romu" of All Blacks which lost the final which almost all persons mention.
It is the semifinal game which made the world know especially his name.
The both wings which England is proud of in the first 2 minutes were ground in pieces.
Johnna Romu.
That name will become known widely all over the world through this convention.
Although many star athletes were in the Rugby community till then, probably he of the ordinary persons who are not interested in Rugby having also become true "superstar" who knows a name was the beginning.
Johnna who pulled Tongans' blood and was born in New Zealand is 20 years old of youth at this time.
It is elected as All Blacks by the youngest in history, and the left wing of the strongest army corps is left on the career of only 2 game in a big stage called the World Cup.
He until this convention starts says that evaluation in the world was a "youngman who is powerful although there is no track record" grade.
Although large activity was already shown in the seven-person system convention, a 15-person system is a different thing again.
Only some persons concerned only still got to know his fearful potential as feelings.
His figure which runs 100 m on the level of 10 seconds by a with the height of 196 cm and a weight of 115 kg huge form was recognized as "wonder" and a "threat" through activity in this convention.
However, it can be said that the team which is not actually fought was not yet able to realize "whether it is how much monster."
it comes out in this England game for him to display that true destructive power and to make a name into what swing and is not.
 If his physical strength is called strongest in history why, it is on the point which has what and the speed with it which runs through 100 m in 10 or 5 seconds, coming out of the blessed body called the height of 196 cm, and the weight of 120 kg, and having overwhelming power.
Since it is called the grade in the second half for 11 seconds even if quick, if it is a player of weight the stand of 120 kg also in NFL (American football) for which the physical strength elite gathers, the speed of the Johnna Romu is extraordinary.
the name which came from such overwhelming physical strength has impact considerably a "reckless-run engine", fly elephant, etc., and the active-service age becomes a representative of New Zealand by 19 years old of youngest in history, and shines with a try king in many conventions, although it large-played an active part, The number of times of participation becomes fewer by an injury and nephrosis syndrome (affection of the liver), and it will return active service to private life in 2007 regardless of a liver function carrying out aggravation and transplant surgery in 2003.
Activity of Rugby is carried out, becoming a goodwill ambassador of Rugby now.
It was inaugurated also as the Rugby World Cup Rugby ambassador (goodwill ambassador) held by 2019 in Japan.



To day is talk about Rugby positions.
Rugby is many kind of positions.Rugby consists of 15 members and there is a position decided to be each. This position is roughly divided into eight persons FW (forward), and seven persons BK (backs). Furthermore, FW is divided into a front row, a second low, and a back low, and BK is divided into halfback, the three-quarter back, and a fullback.

about FW
If a scrum is formed, a ball comes out of a touchline and a scramble and BK will be caught in a ball with an enemy in a lineout, it will run immediately and will have a hard time because of ball reservation.
Although ball scrambles are the main work, occasionally it rushes forcibly, and it about a defense.
The role of FW  is increasing steadily in present age Rugby.
It is pushed strike  down, and occurs and begins to run.
The tough players who run about are the existences respected by the teammate, becoming an underlay or stepping on.

about BK
there are many players with BK slim to FW with which a fleshy mascly player ranks.
Female popularity is also overwhelmingly concentrated on BK.
Finisher WTB which SH-SO of the HB (halfback) team which considers how the ball which FW secured is connected to an attack requires clear brains and quick nature, finally flies a genius, and raises a try seems to be sprint runners on land.
I will see each position, recognizing that it can play an active part just because FW takes a ball.

Perseverance is required of unsung heroes, such as a role of support which supports a jumper by scrum and a lineout.

Although it is FL and No.8 that go to point [ with which BK was caught ] first of all, when the ball further develops, HO plays No.8 role.
It excels in running ability and judgment and there are many players with a dexterous hand.
There is even the joke "those to whom HO plays the piano, and those on whom PR shoulder a piano."

Taking advantage of a tall, a high ball is caught by kickoff, a lineout, etc.
A team can be gained strength by the rush which benefits a giant.

Taking advantage of a tall, a high ball is caught by kickoff, a lineout, etc.
A team can be gained strength by the rush which benefits a giant.

They are the side attack from scrum etc., a jumper of a lineout, the rush that supports BK and a path included in BK line, and a superhuman existence for which the most synthetic skill is needed.

It is work of SH to always move about restlessly together with a ball, and to make an offensive rhythm.

The playmaker which is also called an "instruction tower" in Japan, stands in the middle of FW and BK, and chooses the path, the run, the kick, and the attack

It is the main work to receive the path from SO, to devise, running perpendicularly or carrying out a long pass, and to extend a chance.

The finisher type which shakes off a partner by speed is assembled.
The scene which stops before tackler for a moment and shakes off a partner by momentary acceleration is a highlight of WTB.

Although an ally goal line is protected as the last fort, it participates in the positive target instead of a goalkeeper also at an attack.
If you think whether rushed in as an extra man by playing using signs of BK line, broke through defense, connected the path with WTB, and it induced the try, a partner's kick will be caught and a counterattack will be devised.
And a long kick is kicked to the members of a partner for local acquisition.
The activity is broad.



today is talk about Rugby rules.
The way which Rugby played a game by 15 persons, and took more mark is a victory.
The figure which 15 persons from whom a position is different, respectively fight taking advantage of individuality has very high game nature.
Let's explain one at a time.

Although the rule of Rugby is really difficult, if you understand even foundations, watching a game can be enjoyed first.
First, the basic concept of Rugby.
I hear that "Rugby is the encampment game ".
The player of 2 teams scrambles for one ball, and it invades an enemy's territory with a ball.
The point which invades in this way and it aims at is a space called the in-goal of an enemy's territory.
A score is accepted by making a ball touch this space.
This score is called try.
in order that the players of both teams may get this try the body of each other is thrown at each other, and it scrambles for a ball, and repeats offense and defense.
Then, it is how to treat a ball next.
Having a ball and running, the thing thrown by a hand , and the thing kicked on foot are accepted.
Moreover, wherever a ball may touch [ of the whole body ], there is no problem.
However, how to throw this ball has the big feature.
I hear "don't release it before a b
When throwing a ball, it separates only to the player which is back from itself.
Moreover, there are some which are obtained by kick besides a try in a score.
This is accepted by keeping kicking a ball between absentminded from the crossbar between goalposts.
This kick is called "goal kick."
In Rugby, if one play is won, one point will be obtained.
How to count this point is as follows.
Rugby is performed by the half system of half order.
Half order is 40 minutes, respectively and the halftime for less than 10 minutes is prepared between them.
(A high school student a 30-minute half / halftime less than 5 minutes)
The time when the play had stopped at an injury, failure, etc. of a player is added to each half as lost time.
The lost time for about 1?3 minutes is usually added.
Moreover, there is no extra-inning game in Rugby fundamentally, and, in the same score, it becomes a draw, but victory or defeat may be decided with a lottery, the number of tries, etc.



It talks about the history of Japanese Rugby.
The time of Professor Clark and the Tanaka ginnnosuke of the Yokohama birth introducing to Keio University that Rugby went into Japan officially in 1899 is beginning.
Rugby was performed privately till then, and before Japan opened a country to foreign intercourse from national isolation and 30 year had passed, it spread all over the country.
The time Rugby was called the  rasikishuukyuu, and was loved.
And the time stands and Rugby of Japan began to develop from the 1920s.
At the university, Meiji, Waseda, and Keio became an existence which pulls Rugby of Japan, and were holding the confrontation game etc. promptly.
Then, Rugby spread from the university and outstanding player schools, such as a comrade company and housei, gained power.
In 1971, England went on an expedition to Japan .
Although Shigeru Konno admitted that it was a problem that height is missing to the Japanese player, by that cause, he tends to pick up ball, is easily collected within scrum, and can move about general more quickly.
This is our strength and we have to play such. It is described as.
Japan where September 29, 1971 and Waseda University Professor Onishi ginnnosuke who are the years of a Rugby football union centennial served as the supervisor was beaten by only 3 to 6 in England.
The first Great Britain expedition by Japan was in 1973 .
In spite of a thick player layer of Japan, there was a big problem of the lack of a stadium which comes from the straitness of land of Japan.
Therefore, the stadium might be used till late at night from 6:00 a.m.
Moreover, there is also good point that there is neither violence nor violence in Rugby of Japan.
although the anecdote that changed into the state where the game held within the SelfDefense Forces is unmanageable in 1975, and as for both teams the dismissal and the captain received disposal and the player became an all the members indefinite suspension remains probably the big problem has not occurred after it.
Although the team of Japan is known for being rich in speed and wit, it may become a disadvantageous position by the smallness of the body in comparison with the player of the Southern Hemisphere or Europe.



Rugby history

Hello, you
Do you know what a sport called Rugby did?
The origin of Rugby goes back to Britain of the 1800s.
It is said that it is the beginning of Rugby that the boy called William wig Ellis began to run with the ball at a high school in Britain called a Rugby school during the game of English school football.
although soccer and Rugby not being segmented just, and it being treated as the same football during 1500 after 1400, and using a hand was accepted, having begun to run with the ball illuminates at first, and this is in it -- it is .
The football of the Rugby rule permeated gradually after this, and the foundation of modern Rugby was done.
However, after the 19th century, the rule was unified and, as for the football performed with various rules, the football of the soccer rule was done.
The club of this Tokikazu part has not agreed on this, but founded Rugby Football Union to London in 1871.
In this way, Rugby permeates mainly by Britain and became a sport representing the Europe district or the Southern Hemisphere.
It developed in Lancaster in northern England, the Yorkshire district, and southern Wales also in it.
However, as for Rugby, since the pro contract to the company did not exist, division of Rugby Football Union took place at the northern part in 1895.
There is two Rugby in the world even now taking advantage of it.
The Rugby union of an amateur principle which one uses a southern part as the mother's body, and is not concerned in consideration, but enjoys Rugby as a hobby, and another have a Rugby League centering on the northern part which asks for remuneration at playing Rugby.
When divided, there was no difference in a rule, but a union now A 15-person system, The league serves as a 13-person system, if the direction of a league has eliminated high density of a forward player and it is intelligibly seen from the man in the street rather than a union, it may be showy and may be impressive, but to the fun of a union,
Although in the past had a strong confrontation, the union is strengthening by accepting professionalization and both tying up for Rugby game development now.
Thus, since game population is also small, I want the person who read this report and got interested to look at Rugby by all means by being unpopular in Japan, although Rugby is derivation of soccer.
Probably, the frenzy which has not certainly been experienced is waiting for you.

cannot be considered at all.


Hello everyone. My name is Che Rungya. I  Japan. I'm 19 years old and a University of Tsukuba student. I play Rugby there. I like Rugby, so I write a blog about Rugby. I have two brothers. They playing Rugby too. I want to be rugby coach. So I study very hard in Tsukuba.
I come from Fukuoka. There is good place. and delicious food. Most famous food is MENTAIKO.
This is ovary for codfish. In this way Fukuoka is very good place. Thank you.